I've been struggling with Trichotillomania since I can remember. Now I have therapy and medicines to help me quitting. I'm having a very hard time with that and to lift some of the weight of my shoulders, I decided to write my story down, for one part to make it more real. (I'm no longer trying, I'm really quitting now)
Tonight I felt really angry and couldn't sleep before I had written down everything that angered me. It can be heavy to read, but I'm ok.
I’m tired of people saying or thinking Trichotillomania is not as bad as… because it’s not life threatening. Don’t diminish my problem, I’m fighting every day, probably for the rest of my life to keep my head above water. I don’t want people to pity me, but let me, for myself only, have the biggest victory when I conquer the biggest enemy ever to be fought. Why talk down on it, saying others are worse off and have to fight even harder, especially when they have no clue what they’re talking about. Trichotillomania is life threatening in a lot of ways. If I wouldn’t fight every day it would mean I would pull out my hair without stopping, with pain everywhere in my body of uncomfortable positions, cramp in my fingers, not capable of eating because there are still hairs left to be pulled, without being able to go to bed before every single hair on my body would be gone. And that would be impossible and a more than a 24 hour job, because the next day there will be new hair, enough for a more than 24 hour day. And there had been and still are such days, a lot of them, demanding my life, not being able to do anything besides that. Can you still say you’re living if Thrichotillomania is living it for you 24/7? For years I’ve not been able to look anyone in the eye because I had to look down on my hands if maybe a hair was there. And then there’s people telling you it’s not that bad.
I’m angry at Doctor Phill, who had no idea what he was talking about when he had a special about Thrichotillomania., saying reading a book or watching tv is a very good thing to do, having two hands free to pull while sitting on the couch, the tv not forcing you to do anything more than keeping your butt on the couch and keep on pulling, knowing you can sit there forever. It would be a different story if the tv was to explode if you didn’t move for every five minutes and made a cup of tea once in a while, play the piano or do a little dance. Well done there Phill. Maybe you should reduce your show to the things you actually know something about.
I’m angry at my hair coming back every day, I’m angry of being afraid it won’t some day because it’s too damaged.
I’m angry at the Radbout University that rejected me because I was “too complex” when they were doing research about ways to help overcoming Thrichotillomania. How get a good vision of the “disease” if you exclude all the people with problems on the site, problems I think are inseparable from the Thrichotillomania. No, I must have Borderline, not TTM, because I’m very emotional too. Well, if most of the scientist think TTM is (partly) caused due to a shortage of serotonin in the brains, a neurotransmitter that for one regulates emotions, then how can you see those two as separate “conditions?” No wonder the information about TTM on the web never seems to cover it, information probably based on researches where people with “bigger” problems are left out.
I’m angry of having to choose between no medicines and fighting even harder against the compulsion or taking medicines and having to fight against the medicines on top of it, trying not to lose my ups of endless happiness, my unforced spontaneity, things of which I always thought were one of the key words of my personality and proud of it. Now I have to force spontaneity if that’s even possible, I have to make myself happy, work for it, instead of just being it all of a sudden, something that apparently is normal to most people.
I’m angry of people looking down on people with psychological problems, seeing them as weak. How weak are you, having to fight every day, but still managing to live on? Being strong is doing everything you can within your abilities given.
I’m angry of having to apologize because my “problem” is mental and considered “a choice” instead of physical. If you collapse on the street due to physical conditions, there’s no one to expect an apology. I feel sometimes an apology is expected when my emotions get the best of me. If there is a shortage of serotonin in my brain which makes me incapable of regulating my emotions, then why should I apologize for that? I hardly ever show anger, because I’m afraid I will hurt someone, instead sometimes I have to scream or cry like a newborn baby and apologize for it afterwards, which I do a lot of the times because I want to. Just don’t expect it or get angry when I don’t, because I feel I did nothing wrong.
Dear Tammie,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyou know I understand, and maybe for the extra thing to know: you are NOT crazy. Just fighting everyday, and believe me if I see: there will be a day when you don't have to fight 24/7. I've been where you are now, and I was fighting for years, but once you will bring this 'enemy' down and start to live again.
And then, it will be a day without that serotonine/endorfine, but you will know what to do to feel happy in a good way.
Please don't be angry anymore, those people are not worth it, because the don't know what it is. The ones who love you will understand you and support you, and that is all you need to know.
Take care dear Tammie!
Hug, Mo
Hi Tamara,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIt's a heavy read indeed, but you have every right to be angry, or sad, or scream and cry.
Your problem IS the worst in the world, because there are as many worlds as there are people (or even as many as there are living beings). Our perceptions define our world and therefor the worst problem in your life IS the worst problem in the world... your world.
I would like to say: don't be angry with people that can't comprehend that, but pity thém, for they are either stupid or incapable of comprehending other people have to live in their own realities (and I know you are neither).
I do not diminish your problem and I don't pity you either (even though it saddens me to see you struggle, because you're my cousin and I love you). In fact, I admire your strength to battle your condition every single day.
I can understand your anger at the people from the Radbout university. Your emotions make perfect sense to me. Not only as a side-affect of your TTM, but even as a result of it. Having to face what you have faced all your life, would cause a trauma that can also lead to emotional moods. I'm really stunned that they don't have any consideration for that. But then scientists often have tunnelvision which allows them to isolate one single aspect they're researching, even if that is illogical in the real world. That's no excuse for dismissing you though.
As for the expectations of people, I would say... screw them (pardon my language). Their expectations or ideas are part of their reality and you don't have to make them your own. You don't owe anyone an appology if you haven't wronged them and as far as your example is concerned, your feeling is right... you haven't!
It makes me happy that reading my blog inspired you to start your own and release some of your anger. Even if it's only for a moment, that's probably the biggest victory in and of my own struggle.
I'm proud of you and I hope you can be proud of yourself too.
Your loving cousin,
Hallo dear daughter,
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI don't know if I'm gone write this in English. My mind is working differently in an other language. Well I have to do my Healing Touch homework in English, maybe it's a good exercise.
I know you for quite some time yet, in fact all your live and before that, at your conception. I know OF your problems, that's something else than knowing your problems.
I see your struggle and I can feel nothing else than trust. Trust is a keyword in my live since a long time. It's not trusting anyone or anything, just Trust.(period)
I worked with psychiatric patients and addicts and I always admired there ways to survive. I never thought they were weak
Acknowledging your problems is the half of it. Knowing that you are responsible for it(maybe in English this is not how I meant it, I don't mean this in a way that your guilty, but that you are the one taking responsibility to do something with it) and if that means you need some help of medicine or people, that don't make you weak, it makes you strong.
I understand that you are angry. I don’t say that you should or should not BE angry, you ARE angry. Let it come and let it go. That is what you did when you wrote it down. Being angry is normal and healthy ,staying angry is making people sick. You are the one suffering of the anger, not the one you’re angry with.
I don’t have to say it, but I do it anyway:
I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALY. Bold or with hair everywhere you can imagine,
with or without serotonin. You’re my dearest second child and you will always be that.
A very proud mother.
Ha dochter.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIn deze wereld is boos zijn op iets of iemand een gemeengoed. Terecht of onterecht. Boos zijn op, zegt meer over jezelf dan over de ander, of zegt meer over jouw situatie dan over de situatie van de ander. Waarom ben je boos? Ben je in je ogen onterecht behandeld? Ben je onzeker en reageer je dat af? Zit er een kern van waarheid in iemands verhaal en kan je dat niet onderkennen? Gebruik je je boosheid als verdediging? Is het verzet tegen jouw situatie?
Heerlijk om daar over te na te denken en over te discussien.
Mensen zijn geneigd makkelijker dingen te geloven en te begrijpen die tastbaar zijn (gebroken pols) of waarneembaar zijn 1+1=2).
Ontastbare zaken als geloof, mentale kracht, dat de aarde een bol is of de wortel van -i wordt al knap lastiger.
Een stilleven van een fruitschaal is begrijpelijker dan een abstract stukje schilderwerk.
Kan jij begrip opbrengen voor mensen die jou of jouw situatie niet begrijpt?
Haren trekken doe ik ook. Je hebt het niet van een vreemde. Ik trek alleen de grijze haren uit mijn handen, armen en wenkbrauwen. Het worden er iedere dag meer ;-). Daarvoor heb ik speciaal pincet voor in mijn tas. Ook ik probeer dat te regulieren het is zeker niet zo heftig als bij jou. Misschien moet ik op een gegeven moment maar overstappen naar alleen zwarte haren verwijderen. Dat leidt op den duur naar niet meer haren trekken.
Ik wens je sterkte met je 'strijd' van strijd met durf gestreden wordt je sterk. Maar wees gerust, sterk ben je al!